​Contact Us: +44 (0) 776 286 8535
+44 (0) 141 225 0140

Mind My Health
Reach your Full Potential

Mind My Health is a Glasgow based independent highly skilled professional psychology, therapy and coaching service.
We are passionate about finding an approach that suits you, your family or your team that takes account of your existing knowledge and skills.

Our Services

Here are some of the issues and problems we can help you with

Feeling low in mood and tearful
Feeling irritable and anxious
Poor concentration and worry
Sleep related problems
Eating, weight and shape difficulties
Struggling with transitions in life and major life changes
Obsessive and compulsive problems
Ongoing emotional symptoms relating to traumatic events
Relationship issues
Drug, alcohol and gambling problems
Loss and grief
Childhood emotional and behavioural problems
Sometimes people find it difficult to share their worries with others close to them or they feel that things have got so difficult that they wish to seek professional advice.
Mind My Health is a non-judgemental empathic service which aims to support individuals, families and those who wish to be involved in the care of the named client (teachers and carers etc).
Mind My Health accepts self referrals (for a young person preferably with consent from named adult), GP’s and other health professionals. Mind My Health is a provider with most UK health insurance companies.
Emotional Wellbeing Practice
Psychological Rehabilitation Practice
Employers have a duty to protect workers from stress in the work place, offer rehabilitation following an accident at work which causes physical and / or psychological injury and many employers take their employees emotional well being very seriously that they provide emotional support through occupational health.
Mind My Health is linked up with various Employee Assistance Programmes offering psychological support through Occupational Health/Human Resources.
Mind My Health can provide medico-legal reports for psychological injuries following industrial accidents, road traffic accidents, assaults or other incidents with traumatic consequences.
Mind My Health specialises in providing trauma-based therapy for people who have had traumatic experiences and these referrals often come through solicitors, GP’s, Hospital Consultants and Self Referrals.
Workplace Psychology Practice

Dr Lipsey (the Director of Mind My Health) is a Consultant for various sporting organisations and supports elite athletes and amateur sports people before and after major sporting events. Dr Lipsey has also worked in the Fitness Industry for 23 years and currently teaches a variety of classes at well known health clubs.
Psychology in Sport Practice

Get in touch
Leadership & Career Coaching
Mind My Health offers Career Coaching and Leadership Coaching as part of its integral service. As a Psychologist, a Fitness Instructor and working in Elite Sport, Dr Lipsey is an expert in coaching for performance. Whether you wish to enhance your performance, raise your profile, identify areas for personal growth, or even help you develop a plan for career change, this is the service for you Using a variety of psychological questionnaires and profiling methods, the bespoke service can offer coaching to teams or individuals, from Graduate level up to Chief Executive. Our aim is help you gain clarity, build of your enthusiasm and ensure that you reach your goals to thrive in your career.