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Dr Lipsey has a strong commitment to research, service-evaluation, creating good practice guidelines, teaching and training. Dr Lipsey has published and been quoted in a number of articles.
Z. Lipsey, S. Barton, A. Hulley, A. Hill (2006) “After a workout….” Beliefs about exercise, eating and appearance in female exercisers with & without eating disorder features”. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 7,425-436.
Z. Lipsey & P. Davies (Aug 2003) Ana’s gone surfing. The Psychologist, 16 (8), 424-425.
Z. Lipsey (2001) Voluntary work in India. Clinical Psychology, 6, 21-22.
A. Steptoe, J. Wardle, Z. Lipsey, G.Oliver, T. Pollard & G. Davis (1998): The Nation’s Diet: The Social Science of Food Choice. Chapter 2 The Effects of Life Stress on Food Choice. Ed. A. Murcott, Longman, London.
A. Steptoe, Z. Lipsey & J. Wardle (1998) Stress, hassles and variations in alcohol consumption, food choice and physical exercise: A diary study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 3, 51-53.
Greater Glasgow Primary Care Division Adolescent Psychiatry ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Dr Michael Van Beinum and Dr Zara Lipsey are carrying. out research into the effectiveness of exercise in addition. to usual treatment in the management of The Nation's Diet: Social Science of Food Choice ...
... Mike Lean, Diana Leat, Zara Lipsey, C. Fergus Lowe, Sally Macintyre, Terry Marsden, David Marshall, Lydia Martens, David Miller, Marlene Morrison,
Scottish Eating Disorder Interest Group Newsletter
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Workshop - an extension of Zara Lipsey's workshop. for SEDIG. We really enjoyed developing this. project further and generally see the Network as a
Part of the afternoon was devoted to an Exercise Workshop - an extension of ZaraLipsey's workshop for SEDIG. We really enjoyed developing this project
How macabre world of the web offers fresh insight on anorexics ...
Dr Patrick Davies and Dr Zara Lipsey note: 'Examining and reading these sites gives us a greater insight into the mindset and thoughts of the people
Psychology of Sport and Exercise : “After a workout …” Beliefs ...
Zara Lipseya, Stephen B. Bartonb, Angela Hulleyc and Andrew J. Hilla, Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author
A longitudinal study of work load and variations in psychological ...
Zara Lipsey, M.Se., and Rachel Mills, B.Sc. St. Goerge's Hospital Medical School. University of London, UK. Georgina Oliver, Ph.D., and Martin Jarvis, D.Se.
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat3292 Zara Lipsey. 0:46:34. 202. 5422 Marie Magee. 0:46:35. 203. 11015 June Miller. 0:46:36. 204. 3817 Lilian Wanless. 0:46:36. 205. 4755 Lynsey McLaughlin
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Zara Lipsey said in the interview “examining and reading these sites gives us. a greater insight into the mindset and thoughts of the people involved”.
Mood and drinking: a naturalistic diary study of alcohol, coffee ...
Zara Lipsey for her assistance in data collection. References. Ames GM, Rebhun LA (1996) Women, alcohol and work: inter-. actions of gender, ethnicity and
Psychminded: Psychology News Psychiatry News Mental Health News
Plus: In the Psychologist magazine, Patrick Davies and Zara Lipsey (pdf file) believe some websites actually encourage anorexia
Wardle, Jane, Andrew Steptoe, Georgina Oliver, and Zara Lipsey. 2000. “Stress, Dietary Restraint and. Food Intake.” Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Lipsey, Zara J. see Lluch, Anne. 20A. Lissner, Lauren, Heitmann, Berit L. &. Lindroos, Anna Karin. Measuring ... Lluch, Anne, King, Neil A, Lipsey,
Manchester 2004 European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe AcrobatLisa Ronald, Lisa Harrow Greater Glasgow Primary Care Trust, Zara Lipsey, and Ulrike. Schmidt Institute of Psychiatry. Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a common and